Heal and Transform your self with High Vibrational Plant-Based Living Foods

Not only does nutrition play a big role in our physical well-being, the food we eat and its contents can also project into our body's energetic fields.

Does the phrase "We are what we eat" resonate with you?
Once we tap into the consciousness of all things, we see that everything and all matter is made up of various frequencies of energy. In the same way, food has its own energy frequency. According to basic-science, as well as common sense, it becomes easy to determine whether the choice of food we consume will help us vibrate on a higher frequency or keep us in lower vibrations. The higher, the more beneficial to us, and the lower, the more we will attract more sickness and diseases.

Today, majority of foods sold at stores and the meals we eat out at restaurants are mostly processed foods, and it can be overwhelming to find out the real nutritional value of what we consume each day.  

As a certified plant-based nutritional coach, I'd like to make the transitioning process as easy as possible and make it a fun and delicious journey for you so you can transition into a healthier diet and lifestyle with much ease.

Most people fail miserably on a typical weight loss 
diet because the concept of keeping up with the diet itself seems extremely restricting, let alone very hard to keep up with while there are so many temptations is around us.

Whether you are looking to detox for a short term, raise your energetic vibrations, lose weight, have a specific fitness goal, improve your overall health or on a journey to heal your self with healthy eating, working with a coach can cut out all the unnecessary trials and errors and eliminate confusions for you.

I'm a successful long term vegan going over 10 years now, not only for the ethical and health reasons, but also for my spiritual practice and for the environment. There is an undeniable truth that all animal products are acidic which promotes cancers, aging and digestive problems along with the fact those foods are void of prana, fibers and enzimes (which helps to maintain our healthy gut bacteria and digestive systems).These dense and lower vibrational foods are the breeding ground for parasites and hosts many illnesses. If a plant-based diet seems extreme, then think again, for how much worse most medical procedures and surgeries are that are not only evasive, but involve high risks. I can guide you on how you can replace animal products without compromising tastes and comfortably make a shift into healthier whole food plant-based diet. 

Please contact if you are interested in nutrition coaching, private cooking and meal delivery services.

Book your free consultation online by selecting "Free Nutrition Consultation" on Book Now tab.

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